
Collaborate with By Kids to Kids in producton of 2D animations and game development.

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Collaborate with BKTK

BKTK Studio

The BKTK Studio is a platform of producers from By Kids to Kids. It is the place for those who know how to work with audio editing, cutting out and treating images, animation and game development. It is even possible to work with all these four skills.

If you already have basic knowledge of tools like PhotoShop, After Effects, Audition or Phaser framework, you can register in the BYTK Studio and take your approval test now. Once approved, you will have many paid jobs available to chose from.

But, if you don't know this yet, our 2D animation course methodology can easily teach you all the steps of the Creating Together process and you can become part of the team. And if you already have some experience with Phaser, you can start developing our games. Check out the animations, access the enciclokids.com . To check out some DCPC games, visit bit.ly/games-dcpc .

With at least one of the skills below you can qualify to start this journey with us:


Audio editing

We receive audio from children of many schools. We need to cut out parts where the teacher or the parents talk, remove repeated phrases, reduce noise, join different files into one, and have one volume level throughout.

Can you do this?

Register now!

Image cut out

The children draw and we receive these individually photographed. Our mission is to organize possible messes by correcting lighting and color and then cut out the background and separate the character´s body parts (arms, legs, eyes, mouth, etc.) in different layers.

Can you do this?

Register now!


Now we have the images of the drawings already cut out, a handful of sound tracks, the audio of the narration and a script with some instructions. Now we release our creativity! A simple animation, no special effects or tricks. It is enough to amaze children and adults.

Can you do this?

Register now!

Game development

We have all the assets and game logic. It's all been thought of! Now, we need your knowledge of Javascript, jQuery, Phaser, HTML5 and some more ninja skills. Let's create games that delight and teach children, turning learning into something really interesting!

Can you do this?

Register now!
Game development

Need a push to collaborate with the BKTK animations?

Then check this out:

Yes! A course where you learn to make 2D animations

And when you take the course, your chances of being accepted in the BKTK Studio increase significantly!
Don't waste time. Access the link below to know more and register. There are 3 modules (image cut out, animation and audio editing):

Creating Together 2D Animation Course

How to be a BKTD Studio collaborator

Sign up

Sign up

Just inform some of your info. and done. But do this today! The earlier you start the sooner you will collaborate.

Make the test

Make the test

Right after registering you will be able to download your speciality test. Do your best!!! If our teams likes it, you are in!

Get jobs

Get jobs

Where you approved? Congratulations! Now just choose among the various jobs available and shine. This is how you earn your own money!

Start today!

Register, download your speciality test and start collaborating with the production of amazing animations!

Learn more about BKTK
Learn more about BKTK
Learn more about Encyclokis